Express it With Words
Humorous Lettering Quotes
What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.
The only time laughter is unwelcome is when cola is likely to come squirting out of your nose.
The best sword in a hopeless battle is laughter.
Drama is life with the dull bits cut out. -Alfred Hitchcock
Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend.
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Beauty is Painful
Procrastinate Now. Don't put it off!
Never drive faster than your Guardian Angel can fly.
I still miss my ex, but my aim is improving.
Grow your own dope ...plant a man.
If I'm cranky it's my brother's fault!
Any woman who is looking for a husband obviously never had one.
Express It With
Wasilla, Alaska 99654
Phone: 907-357-0352
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